Monday, June 15, 2009

Get out

Seriously. The weather is finally good again, lending impetus to some quality outdoor portraiture. The kids are out of school. Or maybe your teen is heading off to college in two months… this could be the last time in years that the entire family is together. Then maybe you just have a favorite beach or forest spot… even your backyard… where the fam has fun.
Through July 31, APS is running an Outdoor Portrait Promotion (OPP for the acronym needy), with a heavy discount to our sitting fee (heavy as in half off. Yeah – heavy like half. That heavy).
Sure we are partially motivated by the desire to see the sun after a long winter, ditch the studio. But our motives can be your family’s gain. We’ll travel anywhere in the county and our recent acquisition of some high tech gadgets means we can do professional studio lighting… anywhere. Up Fern Canyon. Down on Agate Beach. Heck, we’ll shoot on the Arcata-Eureka Airport tarmac. We’re that mobile. or (707) 825-1061.

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