Friday, July 31, 2009
meet arcata photo intern kaylyn sims

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Final week to get outdoors

It's the final week of our summer outdoor family portraiture. The weather is finally good again, perfect for some quality outdoor portraiture. The kids are out of school. Or maybe your teen is heading off to college in two months… this could be the last time in years that the entire family is together. Then maybe you just have a favorite beach or forest spot… even your backyard… where the fam has fun. Ending July 31, APS is running an Outdoor Portrait Promotion, with a half off-discount to our sitting fee (normally $150, dropped to $75). Sure we are partially motivated by the desire to see the sun after a long winter, ditch the studio. But our motives can be your family’s gain. We’ll travel anywhere in the county and our recent acquisition of some high tech gadgets means we can do professional studio lighting… anywhere. Up Fern Canyon. Down on Agate Beach. Your home's backyard, if that's your favorite place. We’re that mobile. studio@arcataphoto.com or (707) 825-1061.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

We’re up for most things, so Becky Browning’s request that we shoot her wedding on a Wednesday… well, we didn’t bat an eye. Wednesday wedding even has some decent alliteration, but weekday matrimony is still a bit of a rarity. Then we ran into Maria Vanderhorst of Ms. M’s Catering (another great Arcata business) and she’d just completed… a Wednesday wedding, too. We finally figured out what Becky had engineered – her nuptials at 6 p.m. on the seventh month on the eighth day in the ninth year: 6-7/8/9. Becky and finance Tyler Bruinekool were already lucky with the day: a cool breeze and sunshine at Patrick’s Point State Park’s Wedding Rock. And the wedding did rock. Good friends and beaming parents high above the Pacific… then off for a reception dinner at Six Rivers Brew in McKinleyville. Arcata Photo Studios was also lucky to be in the right place at the right time.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Yeah, we rip artists off...

But, Botticelli’s copyright is, like, way expired. We’re not expecting any calls from Italian attorneys. So we were free to use and abuse his “Birth of Venus” (or “Venus on the Half-Shell” for you Kilgore Trout fans out there) for the latest Humboldt Roller Derby poster. Just like when we stole from da Vinci for the last one. Call it another homage, or something. Thing is, those Renaissance guys spent all that time doting over form and expressiveness. Why remake the wheel? That’s how we roll.
Pictured are, left to right, derbiests Elysian Wheels, Avi N. Flew, LoLa Corolla and ThunderMuffin, all shot in our Jacoby’s Storehouse studio.
Not everybody knows that Arcata Photo Studios also does graphics work under the name APS Images. In the case of Derby, they’re still relatively new and needed the assistance. Plus, we know a couple of the bruisers on the team and were too afraid to say no. And they made us an offer we couldn’t refuse. official league photographers. That said, we’re always happy to hear about and help with design projects for similarly fun events. You don’t even have to be a Medici.